Mission / Vision

We’re In HIS Service!

WIHS is a ministry of the Connecticut Radio Fellowship, broadcasting music, local and national Christian programs that provide hope and encouragement twenty-four hours a day to Connecticut, Western Massachusetts and parts of Long Island, New York…and can also be heard on our streaming platforms all around the world.  WIHS is non-commercial, 100% listener supported, and has been broadcasting the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ since 1969.

Our website is designed to provide you with detailed contact information for programs you hear on WIHS, along with timely news about our special programming, outreach ministries and service opportunities.

WIHS reaches much of Connecticut and parts of Long Island, New York and the Springfield, Massachusetts area through the airwaves at 104.9 FM. We also serve all of Connecticut and beyond through our 24/7 live streaming on the internet.

Mission Statement

Connecticut Radio Fellowship serves the Triune GOD of the Bible: Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the non-commercial broadcasting of instruction in the Word of GOD, inspirational music and information about events of interest to the Christian community in Connecticut and nearby portions of Massachusetts and New York.

The purpose of our service is to bring Glory to GOD, by supporting, strengthening and equipping Christian believers and their families for service to GOD through His Church, as well as to call the unsaved to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation from the eternal punishment awaiting them for their sins. The content of our broadcasts is Christ centered and designed to be faithful to GOD’s inspired Word, the Bible.

This mission is accomplished through prayerful dependence upon GOD, who provides for our needs through our listeners’ prayers, volunteer labor and financial gifts.

–Adopted by the Connecticut Radio Fellowship Board of Directors, September 2, 1998.

Articles of Faith

WE BELIEVE in one God, eternally existing in three persons- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE in the divine revelation of the Holy Bible (the Old and New Testaments), verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, and man’s only infallible and authoritative rule
of faith and life.

WE BELIEVE in the deity of Jesus Christ, who was the virgin-born Son of God, sinless in nature and life; who shed His blood on the Cross as the substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world; was resurrected bodily, ascended into heaven, and is now interceding for us at the Throne of God.

WE BELIEVE in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; who regenerates and indwells the believer; who provides the instruction and power for a victorious and fruitful Christian life.

WE BELIEVE in the universal sinfulness of man, who was created innocent in the image of God, but fell under condemnation through his disobedience.

WE BELIEVE that salvation is the free gift of God, received by faith in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ; that believing in Him guarantees righteous standing before God, sonship in His family, and eternal life; that those who reject Him remain under condemnation.

WE BELIEVE that all believers have the privilege of direct access into God’s presence through our great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE in the reality of Satan, the deceiver and god of this present evil world, with whom the believer is engaged in spiritual warfare.

WE BELIEVE in the imminent, bodily, visible return of Jesus Christ to earth to establish His everlasting kingdom, when the just and unjust will be resurrected bodily; the just, unto eternal life with God, and the unjust, to eternal punishment and separation from God.