Please note: We used to have a red “DONATE HERE” button, but we are launching a new giving campaign. A core principle of this campaign is that listeners and friends are PARTNERING with us financially for the furtherance of our mission. Hence, the change in wording. Please click the icon above for a link to our secure online giving portal. Thank you!!!
We’re in the “dog days” of summer, when many people are on vacation and donations slow down. PLEASE MAKE A SUMMER DONATION NOW!
Last year, quarterly donations represented 17%, 21%, 19% and 43% of our annual budget. However, our quarterly cashflow needs are closer to 25%, 25%, 25% and 25%.
This year’s budget is $800,000. Please partner with us today. Thank you!
Please click the icon above for a secure link to make an online donation OR use our new Text Giving resource today. Thank you!